Four States QRP Group

Four State

` 4S Tuner

4S Tuner

Kitted and Offered For Sale By
The Four State QRP Group

Designed by David Cripe, NMØS

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This excellent random wire antenna tuner is the classic T-Match design which is known for wide matching range and smooth operation.  Dave has added a nice wrinkle - the SWR indicater employs TWO leds, not the normally seen single red LED.  A green one indicates output power with a red one indicating reflected power.  The beauty of this arrangement is that the operator sees the output power peaking as the SWR goes down, just like a power meter with dual meters - very intuitive.  This makes tuning easier and leaves no doubt that it's tuned for maximum power output.  For a high SWR the red LED is at full brightness and the green LED is off. At 2:1 both are at equal brilliance.  At 1:1 the green is full on and the red is off.  The small size is perfect for portable operations.  Add this dandy little tuner to your portable ops go bag, or use it at home.  It's equally at home on a picnic table, in a tent or camper, as well as on the operating desk in your shack.


Specifications and Design Features
Wide tuning range: 80 meters thru 10 meters. Tested on EFHWs, 100', and other random wire lengths.
Max. Applied Power: tested at 10 Watts.
  Low loss large toroid
  Twelve taps for small inductance step selection.
  Low insertion loss when matched.
  Enclosure Size: 3" x 3" x 2".
  Pittsburg Style Construction.
Assembly Manual
Latest pdf manual, a serious update by Chuck Carpenter, W5USJ Thanks Chuck.
Assembly Manual In Spanish
Translation by Jon Iza EA2SN, thank you Jon.
Addendum to Assembly Manual
Correct LED name differences, an update by Chuck Carpenter, W5USJ Thanks Chuck.
Bill of Materials

Posted with permission

Electronics 2000's Capacitor Identification Page
Electronics 2000's Resistor Code Graphic Calculator
Ordering Information: 
The cost of this kit is $45.00 with a shipping cost of  $10.00
DX Buyers, check HamRadioLand for availability.
Note to Canadian Purchasers:
 Due to high bank processing fees,
 we can no longer accept Canadian Money Orders.
•  If paying by check or money order (US $ only)
 please make it out to "Four State QRP Group" in the
amount of $55.00 for each kit purchased, and mail to:

 Four State QRP Group
 Johnny Matlock ACØBQ
 379 23rd Road
 Lebo, Ks 66856

The 4S Tuner is carefully kitted and shipped by Steve Miller, NØSM
Please direct shipping, kit, and part related questions to Steve Miller


All proceeds are applied toward funding OzarkCon.
Thank you for supporting The Four State QRP Group.


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The files and images on this site unless otherwise noted are copyright by
the Four State QRP Group and may not be published or used without permission.